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  Function            horiz_line - draw a horizontal line

  Syntax              void horiz_line(byte c, int len, int col, int row);

  Prototype in        video.h

  Remarks             draws a horizontal line of characters c of length
                      len beginning at (col,row) via INTerrupts, using
                      the current char_attribute setting for color.
                      Screen coordinates are absolute.

                      horiz_line does no error checking on the passed

  Return value        nothing.

  See also            box(), vert_line()

  Example             #include <video.h>

                           horiz_line('*',7,4,4);   /* draw 7 *'s */

See Also: box() vert_line()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson